creative ability

EASEdexterity, ability
MINDThe ability for rational thought
FANCYThe imagination
POWERAbility to coerce
SIGHTThe ability to see
SKILLlearned ability to carry out a task
TALENTmarked natural ability or skill
VISIONThe sense or ability of sight
LIBERTYability of individuals to have agency
CAPACITYThe ability to hold, receive or absorb
THINKINGcreative or wishful
DEXTERITYease, ability
POTENTIALCurrently unrealized ability
SENTIMENTopinion, idea
SHARPNESSthe cutting ability of an edge
CREATIVITYimagination, fancy
PROFICIENCYAbility, skill
VENTRILOQUISMability to throw one's voice
FOLDcreasing, bending
THINKINGcreative or wishful