ART | figurative or culinary |
AVIV | Tel ..., city in Israel |
BEND | bow, curve |
BLOOPER | blunder, error |
CONCERN | interest |
COST | price |
COUGAR | panther, puma |
DESERT | Gobi or Thar |
FORTUNE | kismet, lot |
HARP | class of musical instruments |
HEDGE | fence, equivocate |
JOB | appointment |
JULES | Bianchi, F1 driver |
KRIST | Novoselic, member of Nirvana |
LINE | thread, cord |
MENTOR | wise teacher |
MOORE | Demi, actress |
PAPER | in toilet or for wrapping |
PONTIAC | American car brand |
RABBLE | mob |
RIM | verge, extreme |
RIP | cut, tear |
ROUN | rune |
SCORE | twenty |
SOAK | immersion in water |
SUZUKI | Japanese car brand |
TRIP | travel, journey |
TROUBLE | inconvenience, distress |
WALLOP | heavy blow, punch |
WARREN | burrow |