ARRAY | attire |
BAHAMAS | country in North America |
BRACKET | punctuation mark |
BUFFET | clatter |
CAMEL | Dromedary or Bactrian |
CHAD | its capital is N'Djamena |
CHICKEN | hen |
CUSP | sharp point or pointed end |
GEENA | Davis, actress |
HERTZ | SI unit for frequency |
KINGPIN | big noise |
KISMET | fortune, lot |
LUGO | city in western Spain |
MOOLAH | money, geld |
NICK | Nolte, actor |
PARASOL | umbrella, sunshade |
PETAL | part of a plant |
PETROL | leaded or unleaded |
PINK | The common minnow |
POT | kitty |
PROMISE | vow |
ROWLING | J.K., writer |
SEA | Black or Ionian |
SERF | villager |
STAR | red giant |
STRAND | coast, shore |
SUBBING | copy editing process |
VICTORY | win |
WALTER | Scott, writer |
WEDGIE | snuggie |