supernatural punishment

FINEtype of punishment
WHIPlash, scourge
CRIME... and Punishment
CURSEsupernatural hindrance
DEMONevil supernatural spirit
EXILEtype of punishment
FLAILwhip, lash
THONGscourge, punishment
OCCULTSupernatural affairs
STOCKSrestraint and punishment device
COWHIDEscourge, lash
SCOURGEpunishment, whip
IMPUNITYExemption from punishment
BRIMSTONEHell, damnation
CONFISCATIONtype of punishment
IMPRISONMENTtype of punishment
DISMEMBERMENTcapital punishment
CURSEsupernatural hindrance
SHARKsuperorder of fishes