scourge, punishment

BANEscourge, cowhide
CORDscourge, pest
FINEtype of punishment
LASHscourge, thong
PESTscourge, nuisance
WHIPscourge, cord
CRIME... and Punishment
CURSEscourge, annoyance
EXILEtype of punishment
STOCKSrestraint and punishment device
SCOURGEpunishment, whip
IMPUNITYExemption from punishment
ANNOYANCEscourge, bore
DAMNATIONsupernatural punishment
AFFLICTIONscourge, curse
MISFORTUNEscourge, visitation
PUNISHMENTscourge, whip
CONFISCATIONtype of punishment
IMPRISONMENTtype of punishment
DISMEMBERMENTcapital punishment
STRAPscourge, plague
NUISANCEscourge, strap