scientist studying living organisms

CARLLinnaeus, biologist
COOKprepares food for a living
DEADNight of the Living ...
KOCHRobert, biologist
ROOMdining or living
BEINGliving creature
LOUISPasteur, biologist
NIGHT... of the Living Dead
FUNGUSkingdom of organisms
LOUNGEliving room
ZOMBIEliving dead
BIOLOGYThe study of all life or living matter
PASTEURLouis, biologist
SEAWEEDvarious types of algae
CREATUREliving being
LINNAEUSCarl, biologist
ALEXANDERFleming, biologist
ASTRONOMERscientist who studies celestial bodies
DECOMPOSITIONbreaking down of living matter
NEUROSCIENCEscientific study of the nervous system
ASTRONOMERscientist who studies celestial bodies