scientist who studies celestial bodies

THE... Who, rock band
BODYhuman or celestial
LIAROne who tells lies
GLOBEmodel of a celestial body
SLAINThose who have been killed
DRAPEROne who sells cloths
FATHERmale who begets a child
HIPPIEteenager who imitated the beatniks
SPHEREcelestial or political
FUNERALceremony for a person who has died
SLACKEROne who procrastinates
AFFLUENTSomebody who is wealthy
BIOLOGISTscientist studying living organisms
HOMEOWNERSomeone who owns a house
ITINERANTOne who travels
MERCENARYsoldier who fights for hire
PLAINTIFFwho files or initiates a court case
CONFLUENCEmeeting of two or more bodies of water
INHABITANTsomeone or thing who lives in a place
BIOLOGISTscientist studying living organisms