wing or winglike structure

BEAKexternal anatomical structure of birds
GATEdoorlike structure outside a house
SILOstructure for bulk materials
BRANDAudi or Porsche
COURTappellate or supreme
DANCEtango or flamenco
FLUIDwater or petroleum
FRAMEstructure, skeleton
MOTORdiesel or stepping
ORDERfungus or stop-loss
PARTYRepublican or Conservative
POWERsolar or of will
RIVERNeva or Mekong
CONCHAshell-shaped structure
SLUICEhydraulic structure
SYSTEMstructure, arrangement
FEATHERbody-covering structure of birds
GALLOWSstructure for execution
OUTHOUSEstructure containing a toilet
RENOVATIONprocess of improving a structure
MUSTwinemaking ingredient
CHERUBwinged angelic being