Switzerland - franc, Belgium - ?

BERNcity in Switzerland
BASELcity in Switzerland
FRANCUkraine - hryvnia, Switzerland - ?
INDIAfranc - Switzerland, rupee - ?
JAPANfranc - Switzerland, yen - ?
KOREAfranc - Switzerland, won - ?
ISRAELfranc - Switzerland, sheqel - ?
MEXICOfranc - Switzerland, peso - ?
RUSSIAfranc - Switzerland, ruble - ?
ZURICHcity in Switzerland
ANTWERPsecond largest city of Belgium
KINGDOMBelgium or Thailand
UKRAINEfranc - Switzerland, hryvnia - ?
BRUSSELScapital of Belgium
KONSTANZcity in Switzerland
LAUSANNEcity in Switzerland
NAPOLEONfranc germinal
SWITZERLANDyen - Japan, franc - ?
WHIRLPOOLswirling body of water
ARCswoop, curve