sudden sensation of fear

AWEfeeling of fear and reverence
TUGsudden powerful pull
BANGsudden percussive noise
GASPshort, sudden intake of breath
GRABsudden snatch at something
SLAMsudden impact or blow
HITCHsudden pull
LURCHsudden or unsteady movement
PLUMPThe sound of a sudden heavy fall
PRIDEone of the seven deadly sins
SHOCKSudden, heavy impact
SKINKtype of lizard
SPASMsudden contraction
DISMAYhorror, fear
HORRORfear, alarm
PHOBIAirrational or obsessive fear
EMOTIONsadness or fear
WALKOUTsudden stoppage of work
BOLDNESSopposite of fear
CLAUSTROPHOBIAThe fear of closed, tight places
HITCHsudden pull
GRABsudden snatch at something