suborder of birds

BEAKexternal anatomical structure of birds
MOTHsuborder of insects
BOOBYgenus of birds
POWERsolar or of will
PRIDEone of the seven deadly sins
SKINKtype of lizard
SLOTHMammal suborder
DIPPERgenus of birds
LIZARDsuborder of reptiles
PASSERgenus of birds
FEATHERbody-covering structure of birds
POULTRYcategory of domesticated birds
ANTEATERmammal suborder
SCREAMERclade of birds
NIGHTHAWKsubfamily of birds
CORACIIDAEfamily of small birds
HIRUNDINIDAEfamily of birds
SPHENISCIDAEfamily of birds
MYLIOBATOIDEIsuborder of fishes
STRUTHIONIDAEfamily of birds
YIELDINGsubmission, capitulation
MYLIOBATOIDEIsuborder of fishes