stomatology - teeth, hepatology - ?

GUMThe flesh around the teeth
OILcod-liver or mineral
RATEof exchange or heart
BRAINstomatology - teeth, neurology - ?
HEARTstomatology - teeth, cardiology - ?
MEDALPurple Heart
TEETHhepatology - liver, stomatology - ?
ATRIUMpart of heart
BOWELScore, heart
DARKNESSHeart of ... (Conrad)
HEPATITISinflammation of the liver tissue
NEUROLOGYteeth - stomatology, brain - ?
VENTRICLEpart of heart
CARDIOLOGYteeth - stomatology, heart - ?
HEPATOLOGYteeth - stomatology, liver - ?
PERICARDIUMpart of heart
STOMATOLOGYliver - hepatology, teeth - ?
HEARTstomatology - teeth, cardiology - ?
BRAINstomatology - teeth, neurology - ?