state of being near

EASTMiddle or Near
TRUEThe state of being in alignment
GOLEManimated anthropomorphic being
LOCALlives near a given place
LUNACYThe state of being mad, insanity
PERSONusually a human being
NOVELTYquality of being new
CREATUREliving being
HOMICIDEkilling of a human being
SWELLINGThe state of being swollen
DISPARITYThe state of being unequal
LIGHTNESSUnbearable of Being
MATRIMONYthe state of being married
PATERNITYfatherhood, being a father
SALVATIONbeing saved or protected from harm
SERVITUDEThe state of being a slave
REPENTANCEThe condition of being penitent
INSTABILITYThe quality of being unstable
UNHAPPINESSThe feeling of not being happy
INVISIBILITYstate of an object that cannot be seen
HIDINGstate of concealment