space of time

LAWNopen space between woods
VOIDempty space
CUBBYsmall, confined space
FRAMEfor picture or time
HELIXsmooth space curve
METERtime - second, distance - ?
MONTHunit of time dividing the year
RUMBA4 time
STOVEenclosed heated space
VACUUMspace that is empty of matter
VOLUMEquantity of three-dimensional space
BETWEENinterval, space
MARINERamerican space probe
ODYSSEY2001: A Space ... (film)
PIONEERamerican space probe
STATIONrailroad or space
VOYAGERamerican space probe
EXPLORERamerican space probe
MOVEMENTbetween points in space
UNIVERSEtotality of space and all contents
INTERVALspace, distance
INTERVALspace, season