solar or work

JOBwork, employment
WINDmay be solar or trade
COMETicy small Solar System body
HORSEwork animal
POWERsolar or of will
ENERGYkinetic or solar
IDLINGact of nothing or no work
PERMITwork or fishing
SYSTEMsolar or urinary
BATTERYsolar or galvanic
ECLIPSEsolar or lunar
EPITOMEsummary of a literary work
FOREMANThe leader of a work crew
WALKOUTsudden stoppage of work
DRUDGERYTedious, menial and exhausting work
SHAMBLESwork done in a poor fashion
SEAFARINGThe work, or calling of a sailor
EMPLOYMENTwork, occupation
LITERATUREwritten work of art
LUMBERJACKperson whose work is to fell trees
SYSTEMsolar or urinary
PETTERSolberg, rally driver