soft, white rock

GOBlump of soft material
PAWsoft foot of a mammal
THE... White Stripes, rock band
BOOKsoft-cover or cookery
CELLwhite or nerve
FLAGpirate or white
MULLthin, soft muslin
PULPsoft, moist mass
BLANCwhite cosmetic
COLORwhite or black
HOUSEWhite or royal
JIMMYWhite, snooker player
BELUGAwhite whale
GREASEAnimal fat in a melted or soft state
MUSCLEcontractile soft tissue of animals
SHERRYfortified wine made from white grapes
REDNECKwhite trash
STRIPESThe White ..., rock band
TERMITEwhite ant
VERMOUTHdrink from white wine
PULPsoft, moist mass