smallest unit of speech

GAGdevice designed to prevent speech
PUNfigure of speech
NOUNpart of speech
RUNTsmallest animal of the litter
VERBpart of speech
MONTHunit of time dividing the year
OUNCEunit of mass
PENNYunit of currency in various countries
QUARTunit of volume
ADVERBpart of speech
PHRASEfigure of speech
SIMILEfigure of speech
BALLOONspeech bubble
PRONOUNpart of speech
ALLEGORYfigure of speech
METAPHORfigure of speech
ADJECTIVEpart of speech
MONOLOGUEspeech presented by a single character
SOLILOQUYspeech, oration
PREPOSITIONpart of speech
RUNTsmallest animal of the litter
VIRUSsmallpox or computer