shilling - Kenya, baht - ?

YENKenya - shilling, Japan - ?
BAHTUkraine - hryvnia, Thailand - ?
MUAY... Thai, martial art
INDIAshilling - Kenya, rupee - ?
RUPEEKenya - shilling, India - ?
DOLLARKenya - shilling, Australia - ?
ISRAELshilling - Kenya, sheqel - ?
MEXICOshilling - Kenya, peso - ?
RUSSIAshilling - Kenya, ruble - ?
SHEQELKenya - shilling, Israel - ?
BANGKOKcapital of Thailand
COUNTRYBenin or Kenya
HRYVNIAThailand - baht, Ukraine - ?
KINGDOMBelgium or Thailand
MOMBASAsecond largest city of Kenya
NAIROBIcapital of Kenya
UKRAINEshilling - Kenya, hryvnia - ?
GENERALISEshilling, bob
SWITZERLANDshilling - Kenya, franc - ?
BOBshilling, hog
SWITZERLANDshilling - Kenya, franc - ?