scientific study of prehistoric life

VESTbulletproof or life
LOGICstudy of inference and demonstration
BOTANYscience of plant life
CAREERcourse or progress through life
BIOLOGYstudy of life
GEOLOGYscientific discipline
YESHIVAJewish institution for Torah study
ZOOLOGYstudy of the animal kingdom
SCRUTINYIntense study of someone or something
ADVERSITYills of life
COSMOLOGYacademic study of the Universe
PATHOLOGYstudy and diagnosis of disease
SEMANTICSmeaning of language entity, study
AESTHETICSThe study or philosophy of beauty.
EXPERIMENTscientific procedure
PSYCHOLOGYThe study of the human mind
LINGUISTICSThe scientific study of language
NEUROSCIENCEscientific study of the nervous system
EXPERIMENTscientific procedure
NEUROSCIENCEscientific study of the nervous system