sacred place

WAYTo do with a place or places
HEREThis place
NESTplace of refuge for animals
AGORAplace for gathering
LOCALlives near a given place
POINTplace, location
ROOSTThe place where a bird sleeps
MANTRAsacred utterance
POSITIONplace or location
RELIGIONsacred belief system
CONCOURSEPlace where pathways or roads meet
FLOPHOUSEplace with cheap lodging
RESERVOIRplace where anything is kept in store
RESIDENCEThe place where one lives
SCRIPTUREsacred writing or holy book
SYNAGOGUEplace of worship for Jews
INHABITANTsomeone or thing who lives in a place
TOPOGRAPHYprecise description of a place
RELIGIONsacred belief system
MANTRAsacred utterance