of Doppler or side

RAYbeam of light or radiation
SIRman of a higher rank or position
DARKcomplete or partial absence of light
DISHPetri or side
EDGEside, page
FACEside, team
LANEside, direction
RATEof interest or fertility
TEAMside, edge
VIEWside or bird's-eye
POWERsolar or of will
ADDICTof caffeine or cocaine
COLUMNvertebral or of newspaper
DISCORDLack of concord, agreement or harmony
TASTINGsmall amount of food or drink
PRESSUREatmospheric or of blood
ATTRIBUTEcharacteristic or quality of a thing
SMUGGLINGillegal movement of goods or people
GATEof departure or logic
PICTUREof Dorian Gray