distance - meter, time - ?

DAYunit of time lasting 24 hours
NOWThe present time
WEEshort time or short distance
CALLtelephone or long-distance
LOVEin the Time of Cholera
MASSmeter - distance, kilogram - ?
PASTsubdivision of time
TERMtime, span
TIMEmeter - distance, second - ?
WEEKtime unit
YOREtime long past
ZONEdemilitarized or time
FRAMEfor picture or time
METERtime - second, distance - ?
MONTHunit of time dividing the year
RUMBA4 time
DISTANCEsecond - time, meter - ?
INTERVALdistance in space
KILOGRAMdistance - meter, mass - ?
KILOGRAMdistance - meter, mass - ?
INTERVALdistance, recess