dioptre - glasses, calorie - ?

HEATwarmth, calorie
WEEKtime unit
YARDunit of length
YUANThe basic unit of money in China
CARATglasses - dioptre, diamond - ?
CORPSmilitary unit size
CURIEnon-SI unit of radioactivity
FARADunit of capacitance
HERTZSI unit for frequency
MONTHunit of time dividing the year
OUNCEunit of mass
PENNYunit of currency in various countries
QUARTunit of volume
WARMTHheat, calorie
CALORIEglasses - dioptre, food - ?
DIAMONDdioptre - glasses, carat - ?
DIOPTREfood - calorie, glasses - ?
GLASSEScalorie - food, dioptre - ?
GOGGLESsafety glasses
CELINEDion, singer
DIAMONDdioptre - glasses, carat - ?