decrease, shrinkage

CUTdecrease, reduction
EBBdecrease, reduction
DROPdecrease, fall
LOSSdecrease, drop
WANEdecrease, diminution
FRAUDidentity theft
PLUMPThe sound of a sudden heavy fall
THIEFhas carries out a theft
ANEMIAdecrease in number of red blood cells
WANINGdecrease, subsidence
COOLINGdecrease in temperature
DECLINEwane, diminution
DECREASEshrinkage, cut
MARASMUSdecline, wane
ABATEMENTdecrease, waning
LESSENINGdecrease, ebb
REDUCTIONdecrease, abatement
SHRINKAGEdecrease, cut
DIMINUTIONdecrease, lessening
EBBdecrease, reduction
WANINGdecrease, subsidence