damage, injury

ILLmischief, damage
DINGVery minor damage
EVILinjury, hurt
HARMdamage, loss
HURTdamage, harm
LOSSdamage, detriment
TORTinjury or wrong
STAINdefect, damage
WOUNDinjury where the skin is torn
DAMAGEinjury, wrong
DEFECTstain, damage
INJURYDamage to the body
LESIONwound or injury
RAVAGEGrievous damage
MISCHIEFinjury, damage
INDEMNITYSecurity from damage
PREJUDICEinjury, impairment
WEAKENINGmischief, injury
CONCUSSIONtraumatic brain injury
IMPAIRMENTinjury, harm
MISCHIEFdamage, hurt
HARMdamage, loss