currency, moolah

SOMThe currency of Uzbekistan
WONGermany - Euro, Korea - ?
YENGermany - Euro, Japan - ?
BAHTGermany - Euro, Thailand - ?
LIRAThe basic unit of currency in Turkey
PESOGermany - Euro, Mexico - ?
FRANCGermany - Euro, Switzerland - ?
LOLLYmoney, cash
LUCREmoney, cake
MEANSmoney, coin
PAPERmoney, pennies
PENNYunit of currency in various countries
PURSEsmall bag for carrying money
RUBLEGermany - Euro, Russia - ?
RUPEEGermany - Euro, India - ?
SHEQELGermany - Euro, Israel - ?
BOLIVARThe currency of Venezuela
HRYVNIAGermany - Euro, Ukraine - ?
CURRENCYmoney, moolah
SHRAPNELmoney, currency
RUBLEScurrencies with "rouble"
POTENTIALCurrently unrealized ability