compact, agreement

WADamorphous, compact mass
DEALagreement, settlement
DISCcompact or intervertebral
BRAKEworks with disc or drum
ACCORDagreement, convention
ASSENTconsent, agreement
NUGGETsmall, compact chunk or clump
TREATYpact, agreement
COMPACTagreement or contract
CONCORDagreement, pact
CONSENTVoluntary agreement or permission
DISCORDLack of concord, agreement or harmony
HARMONYAgreement or accord
CONTRACTbargain, compact
COVENANTcompact, understanding
AGREEMENTunderstanding, compact
CONCORDATcovenant, compact
CONVENTIONagreement, deal
SETTLEMENTagreement, bargain
SOCIALISMcommunist anarchism
AGREEMENTcompact, contract