may be Communist

TOYthing to be played with
BEERale, brew
FOODmay be frozen or junk
LOADweight to be carried
LOANtransfer of money that must be repaid
SEATSomething to be sat upon
WINDmay be solar or trade
BRIANMay, guitarist
MONTHNovember or May
RODEOgathering of cattle to be branded
BITTERpale ale
HANDLEpart of device designed to be held
GRENADEsmall bomb that can be thrown by hand
JAVELINlight spear, designed to be thrown
THERESAMay, British politician
UNKNOWNvariable whose value is to be found
INCURABLEcannot be cured
SOCIALISMcommunist anarchism
INVISIBILITYstate of an object that cannot be seen
FOODmay be frozen or junk