for clothes or hair

RAGTattered clothes
WIGhead covering mimicking hair
FUZZfrizzy mass of hair or fibre
BEARDfacial hair
BLONDhair color
DRESSattire, clothes
ETHOSGreek word for "character"
FRAMEfor picture or time
GODOTWaiting for ... (Beckett)
GUILTResponsibility for wrongdoing
HERTZSI unit for frequency
LEASHfor dogs and other animals
PAPERin toilet or for wrapping
SHIRTgarment for the upper body
STYLEof hair or architectural
ATTIREdress, clothes
NEEDLEfor sewing or knitting
WAXINGform of semi-permanent hair removal
LICENCEfor driving or hunting
LICENSEfor driving or hunting
BOARDfor circuit or chess
KEYBOARDfor computer or piano