for church or diving

NAVEmain body of a church
BENCHin park or in church
FRAMEfor picture or time
GODOTWaiting for ... (Beckett)
GUILTResponsibility for wrongdoing
HERTZSI unit for frequency
LEASHfor dogs and other animals
PAPERin toilet or for wrapping
SHIRTgarment for the upper body
SYNODcouncil of a church
TOWERof church or control
ADVENTchurch season
DEACONministry in the Church
MEMBERchurch or crew
NEEDLEfor sewing or knitting
VESTRYpart of a church
LICENCEfor driving or hunting
LICENSEfor driving or hunting
MINSTERmonastic church
MACHINEfor cash or dishwashing
BOARDfor circuit or chess