character, attribute

YODAcharacter from "Star Wars"
ETHOSGreek word for "character"
PARIScharacter from the Iliad
PRIAMcharacter from the Iliad
SIBYLmythical character
QUALITYcharacteristic, attribute
ACCIDENTattribute, chance
MENELAUScharacter from the Iliad
PROPERTYtrait, character
SPECIFICdistinguishing attribute or quality
AGAMEMNONcharacter from the Iliad
CASSANDRAcharacter from the Iliad
CHARACTERtrait, attribute
CHEWBACCAcharacter from "Star Wars"
GALADRIELcharacter from "Lord of the Rings"
MONOLOGUEspeech presented by a single character
PATROCLUScharacter from the Iliad
ANDROMACHEcharacter from the Iliad
PROTAGONISTthe main character
SERIOUSNESSAttitude, character trait
SURAchapter of the Qur'an
ELRONDcharacter from "Lord of the Rings"