category, family

RACEcategory, phylum
CLASScategory, kingdom
EPOXYfamily of polymer
GENUScategory, race
GROUPcategory, order
ORDERcategory, tribe
POKERfamily of card games
ADDAMSThe ... Family (film)
LINEAGEfamily tree
SPARROWbird family
SWEEPERfamily of small tropical fish
CATEGORYfamily, tribe
HIGHBALLfamily of mixed drinks
ARMADILLOfamily of mammals
CORACIIDAEfamily of small birds
RETROVIRUSfamily of viruses
HIRUNDINIDAEfamily of birds
SPHENISCIDAEfamily of birds
STRUTHIONIDAEfamily of birds
PHYLUMcategory, class
RACEcategory, genus