mental or respiratory

GILLrespiratory organ
IDEAmental image
MOODmental or emotional state, composure
NOSEpart of respiratory system
LUNGSpart of respiratory system
STATEpuppet or mental
BELIEFMental acceptance of a claim as true
ENERGYmental or rest
BRONCHIpart of respiratory system
DISEASEinfectious or mental
TRACHEApart of respiratory system
CALMNESSpeaceful mental state
INSANITYabnormal mental or behavioral patterns
OPTIMISMMental attitude
ATTENTIONMental focus
DIAPHRAGMpart of respiratory system
PESSIMISMmental attitude
BRONCHITISlower respiratory disease
NASOPHARYNXpart of respiratory system
INTELLIGENCEmental faculty
MOODmental or emotional state, composure
ENERGYmental or rest