business that makes and sells beer

ALEtype of beer
BOCKtype of beer
LAGERtype of beer
SLICEThat which is thin and broad
SONARtechnique that uses sound propagation
STOUTdark beer
DRAPEROne who sells cloths
DUNKELtype of beer
PORTERtype of beer
SORROWgrief, business
BREWINGproduction of beer
BUTCHERprepares and sells meat
COASTERbeer mat
COBBLERmakes shoes
COMPANYbusiness, enterprise
DEALINGbusiness transaction
CHANDLERmakes or sells candles
VACATIONFreedom from some business or activity
SUPERVISORmanager in a business or event
GREENGROCERshop which sells fruits and vegetables
COMPANYbusiness, enterprise
DEALINGbusiness transaction