branch of philosophy

TWIGbranch, limb
BOUGHfirm branch of a tree
SHOOTbranch, twig
ETHICSmoral philosophy
KINETICSbranch of physics
MECHANICSbranch of physics
METHODISMbranch of protestantism
AESTHETICSThe study or philosophy of beauty.
ANABAPTISMbranch of protestantism
APPETITIONPhilosophy of desire
ARITHMETICelementary branch of mathematics
BALLISTICSbranch of physics
KINEMATICSbranch of physics
ANGLICANISMbranch of protestantism
ICONOGRAPHYbranch of art history
LUTHERANISMbranch of protestantism
MATERIALISMtheory in philosophy
ELECTROSTATICSbranch of physics
PENTECOSTALISMbranch of protestantism
THERMODYNAMICSbranch of physics
DENTISTRYbranch of medicine
STATICSbranch of physics