bob, hog

BOBshilling, hog
WAYpass, road
YENKenya - shilling, Japan - ?
CURBedge where a sidewalk meets a road
LANEpart of the carriageway within a road
PASSroad, ford
PATHway, road
BILLYBob Thornton, actor
CURVEgentle bend, such as in a road
DYLANBob, singer
INDIAshilling - Kenya, rupee - ?
RUPEEKenya - shilling, India - ?
MARLEYBob, singer
HOSKINSBob, actor
AARDVARKearth hog
MARATHON42.195 kilometre road race
THAILANDshilling - Kenya, baht - ?
THORNTONBilly Bob, actor
GENERALISEshilling, bob
SWITZERLANDshilling - Kenya, franc - ?
HOSKINSBob, actor
MARLEYBob, singer