ball or roller

ORBsphere, ball
STARSun or Rigel
TIREradial or spare
WIREbarbed or chicken
AGENTinsurance or travel
BRANDAudi or Porsche
COURTappellate or supreme
CRAZYnut ball
DANCEtango or flamenco
FLUIDwater or petroleum
MOTORdiesel or stepping
ORDERfungus or stop-loss
PARTYRepublican or Conservative
POWERsolar or of will
RIVERNeva or Mekong
BOBBLEfurry ball attached on top of a hat
FUMBLEball etc. that has been dropped
SPHEREorb, ball
TENNISball sport with racket and net
GRENADEfire-ball, bomb-shell
FUMBLEball etc. that has been dropped
TENNISball sport with racket and net