attempt to persuade

AIMattempt, object
TRYattempt, test
MISSfailure to hit
SEATSomething to be sat upon
SHEDlean-to, awning
ASSAYTrial, attempt
GHOULspirit said to feed on corpses
GRIEFresponse to loss
LOTTOgame of chance similar to bingo
MELEEHand-to-hand combat, brawl
POWERAbility to coerce
RODEOgathering of cattle to be branded
SIGHTThe ability to see
SKILLlearned ability to carry out a task
TRIALattempt, try
EFFORTattempt, trial
SEARCHattempt to find something
TARGETaim, attempt
MISSILEair-to-air or air-to-ground
EXPERIMENTattempt, effort
SEARCHattempt to find something
EFFORTattempt, trial