arrow-finger, pointling
Word | Clue |
BOW | torpedo - submarine, arrow - ? |
GURU | teacher from the Hindu tradition |
SIGN | mark, index |
INDEX | arrow-finger |
RABBI | teacher of Torah |
SWAMI | Hindu religious teacher |
THUMB | first finger of the hand |
BULLET | bow - arrow, pistol - ? |
FINGER | index, ring or little |
MENTOR | wise teacher |
PISTOL | arrow - bow, bullet - ? |
STREAL | arrow |
LICKPOT | index, forefinger |
TORPEDO | bow - arrow, submarine - ? |
EDUCATOR | teacher |
POINTLING | teacher, index |
SUBMARINE | arrow - bow, torpedo - ? |
FOREFINGER | teacher, pointling |
INSIGNITOR | index, arrow-finger |
SCHOOLMASTER | male teacher |
INDEX | arrow-finger |
WAPATO | arrowhead |