area of land under the jurisdiction

EBBThe receding movement of the tide
RYEThe Catcher in the ...
SEAThe Old Man and the ...
TOMThe male of the domesticated cat
GUNSThe ... of Navarone (film)
UGLYThe Goood, the Bad and the ...
CADETunder training military officer
ERATOone of the muses
LAMBSThe Silence of the ... (film)
PRIDEone of the seven deadly sins
SCALPThe top of the head
USAGEThe manner or the amount of using
WHACKThe sound of a heavy strike
CORNEApart of the eye
GALAXYGuardians of the ... (film)
PALATEThe roof of the mouth
SCABBARDThe sheath of a sword
MATRIMONYthe state of being married
PNEUMONIAinflammatory condition of the lung
FLATarea of level ground