lowers the blood pressure

EBBThe receding movement of the tide
RYEThe Catcher in the ...
SEAThe Old Man and the ...
TOMThe male of the domesticated cat
CLOTthrombus, solidified mass of blood
LINEtelephone or blood
TYPEasthenic or blood
UGLYThe Goood, the Bad and the ...
LAMBSThe Silence of the ... (film)
SCALPThe top of the head
SLOTHone of the seven deadly sins
STRUTProtuberance, air pressure
USAGEThe manner or the amount of using
ANEMIAdecrease in number of red blood cells
PALATEThe roof of the mouth
STREAMGulf or blood
VESSELlymphatic or blood
PUDDINGblood sausage
PRESSUREatmospheric or of blood
COCKFIGHTblood sport
MINUSCULElowercase letter