anxiety, misgiving

AWEfeeling of fear and reverence
CAREtrouble, anxiety
DREADanxiety, uneasiness
PANICsudden sensation of fear
DISMAYhorror, fear
HORRORfear, alarm
PHOBIAanxiety disorder
ANGUISHextreme pain, distress or anxiety
ANXIETYmisgiving, dread
EMOTIONsadness or fear
TROUBLEanxiety, misery
BOLDNESSopposite of fear
DISQUIETanxiety, foreboding
MISGIVINGanxiety, dread
FOREBODINGanxiety, disquietude
MISFORTUNEtrouble, worry
SOLICITUDEanxiety, apprehension
UNEASINESSanxiety, disquiet
CLAUSTROPHOBIAThe fear of closed, tight places
TROUBLEanxiety, misery
DISTRESSanxiety, perplexity