
BULLmale individual of cattle
NONEperson without religious affiliation
SOULessence of an individual
ARGUSalert, observant person
BOOBYstupid person
DUNCEunintelligent person
FREAKunusual person
GONERSomeone doomed
MOGULrich or powerful person
SOFTYweak or sentimental person
CHARGEThe scope of someone's responsibility
DESIRESomeone or something wished for
PUBLICgrouping of individual people
EMBRACEputting arms around someone
EVERYMANordinary individual
SCRUTINYIntense study of someone or something
DISMISSALsending someone away
HOMEOWNERSomeone who owns a house
DEPOSITIONThe removal of someone from office
INHABITANTsomeone or thing who lives in a place
OBSCURITYindistinctness, opacity