act of religious worship

HYMNsong of praise or worship
MONKreligious occupation
NONEperson without religious affiliation
RITEreligious custom
TURNact, exploit
ABBOTreligious title
FLINGact of throwing, often violently
SWAMIHindu religious teacher
TITHEreligious donation
MOSQUEplace of worship
OFFICEreligious service
TEMPLEhouse of worship, especially
CONVENTreligious community
HOLIDAYreligious or national
APPROVALadmiration, worship
AYATOLLAHreligious leader in Twelver Shi'ism
CATECHISMreligious exposition
SYNAGOGUEplace of worship for Jews
ADMIRATIONworship, wonder
HALLELUJAHreligious song
IDLINGact of nothing or no work
REPRISALact of retaliation