All About My ... (film)

CREWall hands
TACKcoming about
DANNYBoyle, film director
DAVIDLynch, film director
ETHANCoen, film director
GATESEnemy at the ... (film)
HEARTWild at ... (film)
JERRY... Maguire (film)
LAMBSThe Silence of the ... (film)
LYNCHDavid, film director
SALLYWhen Harry Met ... (film)
BIOLOGYThe study of all life or living matter
FULCRUMThe support about which a lever pivots
HANDYMANjack of all trades
UNIVERSEtotality of space and all contents
BIOSPHEREglobal sum of all ecosystems
LITERATUREThe body of all written works
PREDICTIONstatement about an uncertain event
REPUTATIONsocial opinion about entity
BUTANEalkane with four carbon atoms
CREWall hands