Agreement or accord

DEALagreement, settlement
ORDERfungus or stop-loss
PARTYRepublican or Conservative
POWERsolar or of will
RIVERNeva or Mekong
TRUTHin accord with fact
ACCORDagreement, convention
ASSENTconsent, agreement
TREATYpact, agreement
BARGAINagreement, understanding
COMPACTagreement or contract
CONCORDagreement, pact
CONSENTVoluntary agreement or permission
DISCORDLack of concord, agreement or harmony
CONTRACTagreement, covenant
COVENANTunderstanding, agreement
AGREEMENTaccord, convention
CONVENTIONagreement, deal
SETTLEMENTagreement, bargain
CONVENTIONagreement, deal
COMPACTagreement or contract