Adam's fruit

HULLThe outer covering of a fruit or seed
BRANDFerrari or Apple
FIONAApple, singer
FRUITapple or pear
JUICEgastric or fruit
LEMONyellowish citrus fruit
MANGOtropical Asian fruit tree
PERRYpear cider
SALADCaesar's or fruit
KIRSCHFruit brandy made of morello cherries
APRICOTcultivated fruit
COMPOTEdessert of fruit cooked in syrup
SANDLERAdam, actor
OFFSPRINGfruit of one's loins
PERSIMMONedible fruit
TANGERINEorange-colored citrus fruit
SANDLERAdam, actor
BRYANAdams, singer