account, statement

OATHpersonal affirmation of a statement
SAKECause, interest or account
WORDaccount, delineation
CREEDstatement of belief
REPLYaccount, retort
RUMORunverified account or explanation
THESISstatement supported by arguments
ACCOUNTstatement, representation
RECITALaccount, tidings
THEOREMstatement, proposition
TIDINGSaccount, report
AFFIDAVITwritten sworn statement of fact
CHRONICLEaccount, recital
NARRATIONaccount, history
NARRATIVEaccount that presents connected events
PORTRAYALaccount, description
STATEMENTaccount, representation
PREDICTIONstatement about an uncertain event
PROPOSITIONstatement of what is believed
REPLYaccount, retort
NARRATIVEaccount that presents connected events