young woman

COLTyoung male horse
FAWNyoung deer
FOALyoung horse
GIRLyoung female human
LAMByoung sheep
PAIRman + woman
SARIwoman's draped garment of South Asia
VEALmeat of young cattle
ANGUSYoung, guitarist
BELLEattractive woman
BIMBOdolled up woman
CHICKyoung bird
FILLYyoung female horse
SCENT... of a Woman (1974 film)
WIDOWwoman whose spouse has died
AMAZONathletic woman
COWGIRLwoman on top
SPINSTERunmarried woman, often older
MISOGYNISTwoman hater
NYMPHOMANIACwoman with an excessive libido
BROWSEYoung shoots and twigs
JUNIORyounger person