woman with an excessive libido

HOLEopening in the surface of an object
PAIRman + woman
RUMPThe hindquarters of an animal
SARIwoman's draped garment of South Asia
SOULessence of an individual
SURAchapter of the Qur'an
SURFWaves that break on an ocean shoreline
ANNEXaddition, an extension
BELLEattractive woman
BIMBOdolled up woman
PUPILpart of an eye
SCENT... of a Woman (1974 film)
SHELLhard external covering of an animal
WIDOWwoman whose spouse has died
AMAZONathletic woman
DAMSELyoung woman
COWGIRLwoman on top
SPINSTERunmarried woman, often older
MISOGYNISTwoman hater
IRRITABILITYexcessive response to stimuli
WIDOWwoman whose spouse has died