very slow tempo

DINGVery minor damage
FOILvery thin sheet of metal
TREKslow or difficult journey
GIANTmythical human of very great size
GRAVEmusical tempo
LENTOmusical tempo
MOTIONslow or harmonic
TIPTOPThe very topmost point
VIVACEmusical tempo
ALLEGROmusical tempo
ANCIENTvery old
ANDANTEmusical tempo
BEELINEvery direct or quick path or trip
MODERATOmusical tempo
PLODDINGSlow, laborious progress
LARGHETTOmusical tempo
PRECIPICEvery steep cliff
ALLEGRETTOmusical tempo
SWEETHEARTalways very kind
PRESTISSIMOmusical tempo
ANCIENTvery old
PRECIPICEvery steep cliff